For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
Now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant,
to testify to the things that were to be spoken later,
but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son.
And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence
and our boasting in our hope.
Hebrews 3: 4-6 (ESV)
my husband and I married, we had a small but precious service. My sons
were 7 and 10. I had sheltered them and provided for them for seven
long years as a single mom. Our older son barely remembered his father
and our younger son was born as our marriage was dissolving. They never
saw their dad from that point. So they were starved for the attention,
love and protection of a father. When dating David, I took such joy in
how their eyes would light up every time this man of God stepped into
our home. God taught me many things as a single mom, and I would never
trade that time of deep dependence on Him. He took the ashes of my life
and made it beautiful. The day David and I married was a miracle for
me. But not just for me, for my sons too. They had a daddy! When we
said our vows, we asked the boys to come up on either side of us and
they said vows too, promising to honor, love and obey their parents.
Then our parents came up. David's parents stood on my side and mine on
his and they said vows too, to pray for us, to encourage us and to
continue to be a picture of a Christian marriage before us. That day we
melded as a big family with Christ at the center. With
all of us standing around the altar, my sister and a friend sang a
popular song of the day, Household of Faith. That was 30 years ago, and
God has blessed our little household of faith in indescribable ways.
3:4-6 describes the household of God. From Moses, the faithful servant
of God in the Old Testment, to early believers to today's, we are the
household of God. Our faith in the ever-faithful God holds us
together. The faith of Moses served as a testimony of what was to come
in Christ. His faith was counted to him as righteousness and ushered
him to the front door of the household of God. Christ in us, seals us as
His children and opens the same door for us. Believers are a household
of faith. It is the indwelling Spirit of God that makes us a house for
our God. We are His temple, the place where He lives. This passage
shows that Moses was a servant to this spiritual household. Likewise,
we are to honor, maintain and protect the "good deposit," the treasure
of the good news of salvation, that was planted in us. I am a house for
my God. Sitting here even now, thinking that thought takes my breath
away. What a precious miracle. Just as my boys were lifted high to
enjoy the new status of sons when my husband became their father (he
quickly adopted them), so too each of us has the joy and delight of
falling at the feet of our good Father. We stand arm in arm with other
believers around the altar and sing, "We are a household of faith!"

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***Love Your Neighbor***
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