Monday, February 16, 2015
Word Art Wednesday: What Covers Sin?
When I was a young girl, and my father was still carpentering, I would sometimes go with him to the construction site. My dad really was a craftsman and he and the other man who made up their crew could put a house up in a very short time. They worked so hard. I grew to love the process of building a home and I learned so many lessons from my dad on those occasions. I learned that your word was your bond, you gave 100% to every task, and quality could not be compromised. When I was older, I had the privilege of doing some interior painting with my dad. He owned some rental properties and we would go in and get the place cleaned up and painted. So many times I was aghast at the condition renters would leave the place. They left trash and destruction in their wake, often leaving without being up to date on payments. I thought it was a hopeless task, but my dad would simply roll up his sleeves and get to work. He taught me to paint...and often made the remark, "Paint covers a lot of sin!" It was true. A fresh coat of paint and a little cleaning often made a place look perfectly livable again.
Our scripture challenge at Word Art Wednesday this week is truly beautiful. Love can cover up so much can't it? There is so much hatred and strife in the world I'm often tempted to lose I did on those houses that were nearly destroyed. Sometimes I think our world is on the brink of destruction. But Jesus can cover it all! Our world needs Jesus as never before. We are seeing new and ever more frightening faces of evil in our world, but nothing is beyond God's control. Our loving and sovereign Lord has a rein on all things. Our job is to share the Gospel as far and as wide, in every place we go. It is time to roll up our sleeves and be about Kingdom work. There is so much to do!
Spreading the love of Christ seems like a daunting task when we have the whole world in our lens. But we need to focus. We begin in our families and neighborhoods and share who Christ is and the gift He offers. If we cover our neighborhoods with His love and mercy, it will make a difference. If all Christians took a stand, rolled up their sleeves and really focused on what our priority is, we would see a revival in our land. I really believe that.
The enemy seeks to destroy all that is good. He has targeted our homes, families, churches. We can never forget that love covers a lot of sin! The Gospel of Christ is for a lost and dying world. It is for those who are trapped by darkness and evil. Christ can bring hope, healing and light to our world. But He has called us to be the torch bearers. He's asking us to go in to our world with the Truth of the Gospel and spread the story of His amazing love.
There was so much satisfaction in seeing a home restored after Dad and I were finished with it. I was always amazed by the transformation. There is no comparison to the joy in seeing a life transformed by the love of Christ...a sinner saved by grace.
There is hope in the midst of all the hatred and strife we see in our world. Jesus can cover all sin, and can bring hope where all hope seems lost.
Join us for Word Art Wednesday this week if you haven't already done so. We'd love to see your inspirations. You can use our verse now or later...but come along and share your projects with us. I'm a little late sharing mine for this week, so there is still time before a new challenge goes up in a couple of days.
I love going through your blog and all the scriptures. I just found you and I am so blessed. Thank you for your scriptures and card ideas. Hugs, Cathy K